Sunday, August 21, 2011

to whom it may concern...

To Whom it May Concern:

I've (at least temporarily) given up on writing in a physical journal every night. Picking up a pen at the end of the day is too laborious a task for me, plus I've gone through 2 journals in 7 weeks. I move too often to be accumulating anything right now!

I've decided to start journaling daily on my computer. I'm going to give it a two-week run to see how it goes. My guess is it is going to go well, and my paper journals will end up being used for notes during devotional reading, special occasions, and times I'm just "in the mood" to hand-write.

Not sure anyone cares about this, but this is new territory for me and I didn't want to go it alone:)!

Do you keep a journal? If so, what do you use (computer, iPad, notebook, pretty journal, something else)?

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